Optimizing PostgreSQL for Large-Scale Data Insertions: From INSERT to COPY and Beyond

"Optimizing PostgreSQL for Large-Scale Data Insertion"

Posted by Backend Byte on July 8, 2024

Optimizing PostgreSQL for Large-Scale Data Insertion

When dealing with massive datasets in PostgreSQL, efficiency becomes crucial. Recently, I faced a challenge while inserting 20 million records into a database while working on one of my hobby projects. This experience led me to explore various optimization techniques, from query optimization to server configuration tweaks.

The Journey from INSERT to COPY

Initially, I used the traditional INSERT approach, which proved to be excruciatingly slow, taking hours to complete. This prompted me to search for a more efficient solution, leading me to the COPY command.

The command format is:

COPY table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...)
FROM '/path/to/your/file.csv'

Here’s the COPY command I used:

-- Load data into products_with_index
COPY products_with_index (product_name, product_price, product_desc, origin_country, manufacture_date)
FROM '/data/products.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER true);

This command allows PostgreSQL to directly read from a CSV file and insert the data into the specified table. The HEADER true option tells PostgreSQL to skip the first line of the CSV, assuming it contains column names.

The performance improvement was significant:

  • INSERT method: Several hours
  • COPY command: Minutes

Beyond COPY: Fine-tuning PostgreSQL Configuration

While COPY dramatically improved insertion speed, I discovered that server configuration plays a crucial role in optimizing large-scale data operations. Two key parameters I adjusted were max_wal_size and checkpoint_timeout.

Understanding and Adjusting max_wal_size

The max_wal_size parameter is particularly important for bulk insert operations. WAL stands for Write-Ahead Logging, a standard method for ensuring data integrity. When you insert data, PostgreSQL first writes the changes to the WAL before modifying the actual data files. This ensures that if the system crashes, the database can recover to a consistent state.

However, during large bulk inserts, the default WAL size can become a bottleneck. Here’s why:

  1. Default Limitation: The default settings of checkpoint_timeout and max_wal_size are 5 minutes and 1 GB, respectively. For massive data insertions, this can lead to frequent checkpoints, crushing down the process.

  2. Checkpoint Frequency: When the WAL reaches max_wal_size, PostgreSQL triggers a checkpoint, flushing all changes to disk. Frequent checkpoints during bulk inserts can significantly slow down the operation.

  3. I/O Impact: Each checkpoint involves substantial I/O operations, which can interfere with the ongoing data insertion.

To address this, I increased max_wal_size to 5GB:

max_wal_size = 5GB

This larger WAL size allows more data to be inserted between checkpoints, reducing I/O overhead and speeding up the bulk insert process.

Complementing with checkpoint_timeout

To further optimize the process, I also adjusted the checkpoint_timeout:

checkpoint_timeout = 30min

This setting ensures that even if the WAL doesn’t reach max_wal_size, a checkpoint will still occur every 30 minutes. This provides a balance between performance and data safety.

Implementing the Changes

The postgresql.conf file, I added the new settings:

max_wal_size = 5GB
checkpoint_timeout = 30min

This configuration should be put inside /etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf

To apply these configurations, I modified my Docker Compose file to include:

  - "postgres"
  - "-c"
  - "config_file=/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf"

Results and Considerations

After implementing both the COPY command and these configuration changes, the insertion of 20 million records went from a hours-long process to completing in just minutes. However, it’s important to note:

  1. Data Validation: COPY bypasses some constraints and triggers. Always validate your data before using COPY, especially in production environments.

  2. Resource Usage: Increasing max_wal_size means more disk space is used for the WAL. Ensure your system has sufficient storage.

  3. Recovery Time: Larger WAL sizes can increase database recovery time in case of a crash. Balance this against your uptime requirements.

  4. Testing: Always test these changes in a non-production environment first to understand their full impact on your specific workload.


Optimizing PostgreSQL for large-scale data insertions involves both query-level optimizations (like using COPY instead of INSERT) and server-level configurations. By understanding and adjusting parameters like max_wal_size, we can significantly improve the performance of bulk data operations.

Remember, while these optimizations can provide substantial performance benefits, they should be applied thoughtfully, with consideration for your specific use case, hardware resources, and data integrity requirements.

For further reference, you can read this: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/populate.html